Your site contains dozens of well-written blog pages with exceptional use of keywords. It loads fast and can be viewed with ease on any device.
But as far as Google search is concerned, not much seems to be happening. After an initial climb from unknown to page ten, the website has hit a plateau as far as SERP goes.
You need a reputable link building company to boost your site to the top as off-page SEO is missing.
Before that, know the basics.
What Is Off-Page SEO?
Keywords, swift load time, optimized HTML, meta tags, and alt tags–these are a part of on-site or on-page SEO.
While they matter a lot, they are not all that there is.
Enter off-page SEO.
While no one knows the exact weight Google assigns for every factor (there are about 200!), according to Moz, the off-page factors aggregate to 50%.
No wonder your site can’t climb above page ten.
The importance of off-page SEO cannot be over-emphasized.
Link building remains the best off-page SEO technique there is. But it’s not the only one.
Creating good quality backlinks is at the core of off-page SEO.
Just how important is it? When Larry Page and Sergei Brin started, they didn’t name their project Google. It was called Backrub and indexed the web for backlinks.
Backrub studied how websites linked to each other and ranked them based on how many times their contents were cited.
The same logic holds true even today.
Just as (usually) a more reputed and reliable scholar would be cited repeatedly, the same holds true for websites.
All links are not the same.
If you published a blog article about SEO and several friends provide a backlink to their blogs, it wouldn’t matter at all.
The sites linking to your blog article have no Domain Authority. No link juice to share in SEO jargon.
However, if you were quoted by related articles in SEMrush, Ahrefs, Hub Spot, and Search Engine Journal, your article would immediately reach the top.
Dependable websites thought your article was trustworthy. Ergo, it must be good.
Getting your friends to link their site to yours is a black hat SEO strategy. It might get you banned from search engines.
When it comes to link building for off-page SEO, quality overrides quantity.
Remember that the link has to be do-follow.
A no-follow link is implemented in this way. A search engine crawler would not follow the link to Wikipedia and index the content.
<a rel=”nofollow” href=” “> optimizing websites for search engines </a>
This would be the do-follow alternative (without any “no-follow” tag):
<a href=” “> optimizing websites for search engines </a>
A top-rated backlink that is no-follow is of little use as far as SEO is concerned.
The concept is simple and brilliant. If you share excellent articles on your blog, you will get mentioned by others.
Very little content is original. A vast majority, including those hosted by top websites, rely on the opinion someone else has and re-packaged it skillfully.
If you can generate content that is shareable and well thought out, there will be no dearth of new sites linking to yours.
Of course, there is always the possibility of someone plagiarising your content without citing you. Copyscape provides ample protection against that possibility.
But how do you write original content? It’s not that hard. Of course, you would need an expert understanding of your field and have an insight into how it works.
On top of that, add a little research, quote unusual facts and figures from industry think tanks and you have a remarkable article that no one thought of before.
There is an unending debate among SEO professionals about backlinks from social media and their worth.
What is undisputed is the power of social bookmarking.
What is it? These are sites (there is no one format) that allow the user to store their favorite web pages, YouTube videos, and the like in one place. Of course, one can bookmark through familiar social media such as Twitter and Facebook, but other avenues are also open.
The biggest one is Pinterest with 1.1 billion monthly users.
A user’s page is a virtual corkboard where they can pin anything that interests them.
The aim is not to generate backlinks (alone) but to have as many people visit your site as possible. Of course this can only happen if the profile is set to “public”.
Other prominent social bookmarking sites are Digg and Pocket where anyone can share content that they found interesting.
Making your content more visible is the first step towards successful off-page SEO. For more traffic, use catchy headlines since the social bookmarking snippet usually displays the main heading.
There are several reasons why a video is a great tool for off-page SEO.
First, if you share excellent videos, Google understands you are serious about proving reliability through your website. It’s easy to hammer out a 1500 word article one afternoon. Not so easy to create a video that gets five hundred views every day on YouTube.
Second, video gets you a lot of organic traffic. Embed your website link in the description and thousands are bound to visit.
YouTube and Facebook remain more or less the only useful platform for video-sharing.
Instagram and Snapchat videos are brief and do not provide scope for details.
Make sure that you add enough keywords and hashtags for easy search.
A press release is a brief article that provides information about products, events, or the company.
Unlike an article, a PR release is crisply worded, and the focus is on accuracy. It is not promotional in any way and merely serves to disseminate correct information.
However, like every other type of content, it can be modified to include a handful of rich keywords.
24-7 Press Release Newswire, Business Wire and ClickPress are some of the more eminent names that publish press releases. There are dozens of free and paid services that allow you to publish a press release.
This remains one of the most dependable methods of off-page SEO.
You contribute to an article well-known blog in your domain. Along with it, you share the link to your website and, of course, your name.
The fact that a reputed blog published your material is proof enough that your website is just the type of proof that Google needs.
Besides, if readers are impressed by what they read, they would make a beeline for the Contact Form on your site.
That task is not difficult at all. Brainstorm and come up with an original idea. You are sure to get published.
Is it possible that you would be able to handle all of this? Would you create content for sharing on Digg or run the business and plan for expansion?
It’s quite impossible to manage without an expert agency. Uplers, a highly acclaimed SEO agency with over a decade’s experience, manages to do just that.
Their dedicated team would fine-tune every aspect of SEO and you reap the rewards.
On top of that, their services are priced reasonably. If you want SEO services that would take you to the top of Google, you can’t find anyone better.
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