
Math Made Easy: Area of Circle and Circumference

Circle: A circle is defined as an ellipse in which all the points are equidistant from the center. The symbol used to represent the circle is O.

Area of circle: The area of a circle can be found by using the equation for the area of an ellipse formula or with pi multiplied by (r squared).

The circumference of a circle: The circumference of a circle is what you get when you multiply pi, π, (3.14) times r. Here’s one way to remember it: Circumference = 2πr.

Here is another way to find out how long a given circle is: Circumference = πd = πr where d = diameter and r = radius.

The area of circle formula is: Area = πr²

Circle has a special place among all shapes we see in our everyday lives, just like apple pie and hot dogs. This shape appeared to be perfect – its roundness and symmetry captured our imagination and made us feel happy. The circle is used as a symbol and it can be found almost everywhere- on flags, patterns, logos, clothes, toys, etc. In many cases, a circle represents unity or some other concept because of its perfect shape- no beginning, no end.

In mathematics, this shape is fundamental as well – it can be found at the beginning of everything! It is a shape that is the simplest to understand and it has a lot of its own properties. It is used in different formulas and calculations to get the desired result, for example, the area of a circle, the circumference of a circle, etc.


  • Circle has the simplest shape.
  • Circle looks round, symmetrical, and perfect.
  • It can be divided into parts similar to each other. The parts are called sectors.
  • Length of the radius is its most significant property that makes this shape different from others.


The circle is so important in our daily life that it is used for many practical purposes. Here are just some of them:

  • A circular object rotates around an axis line or rotation, which passes through its center points. When something rotates, it means that all points on this object have the same distance to another point.
  • A circular object rotates around an axis line or rotation, which passes through its center points. When something rotates, it means that all points on this object have the same distance to another point. The circle is also the base for many other shapes and geometrical figures.
  • In mathematics circle is very important when finding area and circumference
  • In geometry, angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees, but in a sector of a circle these angles add up to 360 degrees. This is called a right angle.

A real-life example: One of the most famous examples is the Olympic Games. The shape of this event’s symbol is a circle, but it also has many different values that are related to unity and friendship. It consists of five colors: blue, yellow, black, green, and red colored layers that are joined together in order to look like one big circle on a flag. These colors represent all countries taking part in this event with their diversity united in one place.

A real-life example of the circumference of a circle: This shape is used by many people in hobbies like knitting, crocheting, or sewing. The circle pattern can be seen everywhere – on clothes, toys, puppets and it represents a lot of things. Circle patterns look really nice and symmetrical – anybody would want to have something made from this type of pattern!

Concepts like circumference and area of circle formula are critical in mathematics, so one should definitely know more about these concepts through the Cuemath website. It specializes in teaching math and coding using various tips and tricks.

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Dhakshith is the Chief Editor of TekGeekers. His passion is towards SEO, Online Marketing and Blogging.

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