The truth is that the default names of the WiFi networks of our routers leave a lot to be desired. Generic names followed by random combinations of letters and numbers without any personality. In communities with many neighbors and several of them with the same operator it can be difficult to find our wireless network. Luckily, we can (and should) customize the WiFi network. To do this, we will change the SSID (Service Set Identifier) or name of the WiFi network next to the password. In the following article we give you a complete compilation of original, funny and funny names to network your WiFi network.
It is possible that before entering to see the most original names that we can put to the WiFi network we must know exactly how we have to do the name change process. For this, we must know some things. First, the router configuration page, which is usually accessed using the classic IP (or some similar variant). We will have to enter that address in the browser and then the user and access password that we must know.
Secondly, we must know that with the name of WiFi network we mean the SSID , which stands for Service Set Identifier. The code consists of a maximum of 32 characters, which are most often alphanumeric. However, the standard does not specify it and we can use any other character. Therefore, the maximum length will be 32 characters including spaces.
WiFi prohibited
Win32 / TrojanDownloader.Nymaim.BA, Win32 / GenKryptik.BMFV, Win32 / Injector.DVCX or any virus name we can think of.
In case of having two WiFi networks in a dual band router we can choose to combine the names. These are some ideas that we offer you:
Finally, we recommend you not to fall into provocations and avoid provocative names that attract too much attention. Someone may be tempted to “pay you a visit” if you stand out too much. Of course, choose the one you choose, differentiate yourself from your neighbors and do not keep the default SSID for anything in the world.
Changing the name of our WiFi can also be a technique to try to prevent other users from being interested in our connection and trying to steal it or connect to it. However, there is another option if what we want is to protect our WiFi, hide its name.
To make the SSID invisible and our neighbors cannot see our network, we have to access the settings of our router and follow the steps shown below:
From then on, the name of our WiFi network will be hidden from all those who are within their reach and do a search. In addition to changing the name of the WiFi, this can be another technique if what we are looking for is to protect our network.
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